Beginner Flag

Capture the flag is all about finding the flag.
The flags have a specific format.
Mine are flag{random_message}
or have a number after flag_{}
Let's try this simple example: flag{Hooray_First_Flag}

Blind Shell

Someone left an unguarded shell rest it's ear upon a wall.
It can hear and excecute your demands but cannot answer you.
Can you find the flag ?

Command :
ncat ip_address 600

Python idle

What a brilliant idea an emploee had !!
Make a programm to run python commands like an idle and leave it open on the system!
Of course he thought it was a good idea to leave vital information inside the code

Command :
ncat ip_address 601

Break out

The same brilliant employee that made the idle of the last challenge,
let the programm run on a very sensitive folder of the server .
Can you find anything important ?

Command :
ncat ip_address 605

Here is the source code , and the opportunity to run the challenges on your machine